
Learning without Limits 黄色视频

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Teaching and Learning

Our classrooms provide an inclusive learning environment where students and teachers are prepared to take risks to improve learning outcomes. The climate in our classrooms motivates students to actively participate in their own learning; growing in confidence as they progress through the curriculum. Opportunities for collaboration are provided, where learning skills can be developed alongside subject rich curriculum knowledge. Technology is used to support learning and enhance the learning experience.

Teachers are experts in their curriculum areas and deliver accurate subject content that supports a deep level of understanding. Subject specific vocabulary supports the curriculum and enhances literacy skills. Prior learning is used as the foundations for new learning, and learning is sequenced so that understanding is developed over time.

Assessment in classrooms is ongoing and identifies gaps in learning. Teachers provide opportunities for reflection and allow time for improvements to be made. Assessment informs short term goals and in turn leads to long term gains in learning. These gains are evidenced through summative assessment practices that  allow for the identification of gaps in learning, informing subsequent planning.

Classroom practice is underpinned by a thorough understanding of current research. Bespoke professional development opportunities are provided to all staff, allowing them to grow their practice, regardless of their career stage.

Best Practice

Our own internal Trust capacity to deliver training is informed by current research and best practice. This capacity is enhanced by engaging with external partners, thereby ensuring that our teaching and learning expectations remain current and impactful. Our programme of training supports those at the start of their career, develops established practitioners, and enhances our experienced practitioners. 

Our Students will be :                                 

  • Confident                                                        
  • Responsible                                                   
  • Active                                                             
  • Independent                                                   
  • Self-reflective
  • Knowledgeable 

Our Staff will be :

  • Confident
  • Knowledgeable
  • Collaborative
  • Motivated

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